Friday, June 19, 2015

Take Your Mind On A Treasure Hunt! -

Treasure Hunt

Take your Mind on a treasure hunt

Have you ever felt stuck? Wanting to move forward, create change, or achieve a dream but can’t seem to get out of your own way?

 In these moments everything seems overwhelming, too big and impossible. If you just had one good idea or even just a little help you could break free of your funk!

 What if all the resources you need were in the backyard of your own mind! Would you be up for a little backyard mining expedition?

What better than to be able to go inside and find all of the things we need to create a forward movement. After all, isn’t forward movement what we’re looking for? Momentum? We can’t feel stuck when we are moving forward. Anything we can do to get moving in the direction of our desires feels like relief! Relief is a good thing!

So here is the premise, throughout our lives we each have positive influences and experiences that have shaped us into the people we are today. We often talk about the negative things that  influenced us, but not the positive. Here’s your chance to remember what shaped your confidence, your awareness, your brilliance!

I recently had the chance to go down this positive memory lane. I saw a woman at a distance in the line at the grocery store.  I recalled, when I was about 13 she owned a sort of salon. She was putting on fashion shows with the unique clothing she carried. She asked my Mom if I could attend her modeling school and be in her Fashion Shows. It was an amazing experience for me!

 As I thought back on her and the opportunity she gave me, I realized how it had shaped me in a positive way. It taught me poise and was a great confidence booster for an awkward  teen. This thought sent my mind on a treasure hunt of my past.

 I thought about the Kindergarten teacher that asked me to sing for the class when I forgot my show and tell item, the Music Director that asked me to sing for a Spring Show in the 1st grade, dance recitals and a debate coach, being the MC for Fashion Shows I organized in High School, Swing Choir and the list goes on and on.

Every experience taught me what I needed to know to be right here right now willing to talk to Millions on You Tube or a room of 1000’s live.

This brief trip into the Gold Mine in my own mind taught me that I can find support for new ideas and desires within myself. What a way to feel great about myself and my abilities any time I want! It’s also a great way to have gratitude for the many, many people that supported and taught me along the way.  I simply need to search my memories for the resources that are just waiting to be rediscovered.

So take yourself on a Treasure Hunt in your mind Today ! Here’s how to start:

1.     Think about a new project, desire, or idea that you want to move toward.

2.     Consider what resources you might need, like confidence, the ability to learn something new, a
particular skill  or knowledge…….etc.

3.     Pick one resource for a place to start and begin mining your memory for a time when you had just this resource.

4.     Use this as a launching pad and then begin to connect the dots, directing your mind to find others that match up. Start at the earliest age you can remember and move toward the present. Gather up even the smallest of positive lessons and experiences that support your new goal.

5.     Feel great about yourself and your new endeavor!
     See Liz on Video:at You Tube

Liz Larson

Life Design Strategist
NLP Master Practitioner


  1. ~ I'm one of those people that always feels stuck. I have so many ideas...too many that I just get overwhelm and end up doing nothing and disappointed for not having gone through with a project or such. Thank You Liz, your article is very helpful, I will try to remember some of the points that you brought up and not be such a scary cat.


    1. Hi Yani, thanks for your comment. I wanted to check in with you and see if this process helped you. If you tried it , let me know how it felt for you. :)
