Saturday, November 28, 2015

Are you Super Human? Can You Be? ----What's Possible for you?

Today I was watching, Stan Lee's Super Humans. The show is not so much comic book as it is science oriented. The host of the show Daniel Browning Smith travels around the world investigating people that have a natural "Super- human" ability. On the show, Daniel was investigating a man who's body never seemed to fatigue. He once ran 50 Marathons in 50 days. His muscles don't build up lactic acid like normal humans. His lungs and heart don't seem to get tired. In fact where even the most elite athletes have muscle fatigue and breakdown during extreme exercise, this man seems to get stronger and faster!The host of the show states, "It goes against everything we know about human biology". His lactic levels seem to go down while normal humans increase during exercise. The doctors and scientists that examined him declared him truly Super Human!

It made me think about what Super Human means. Essentially it just means outside what we think is normal. Stan Lee's investigation into people who have outside of the normal ability highlights this idea. There are people all over the world that can do things we deem amazing! But what if we shifted this idea. What if we looked at these people for what they really are. They are an example of what is possible! Currently we look at them as outside the norm and disregard the fact that they are in fact human and therefore what they can do and what they are is then possible for humans.

Remember when the 4 minute mile was considered impossible? As soon as Roger Bannister broke the 4 minute mile in 1954 many athletes quickly followed and beat this barrier. Roger Bannister wasn't Super Human he simply allowed other athletes to know what was possible.

Another example is our understanding of the brain. Science used to believe that the brain could not regenerate. That once brain cells were dead or damaged that the brain would permanently remain impaired. Thanks to the research being done at the University of California, San Diego, we are breaking these and many other myths about the brain's ability to heal and regenerate. "The brain that changes itself", by Norman Doidge demonstrates study after study of people recovering their brain function after devastating injury and illness. What's the switch? Simply that we know it's possible, and if it's possible we can take it to higher and higher levels.

So how can we "average" humans use this information? What if we just started challenging what we believe. I was recently on a coaching call when I was describing a limitation I have with my health. As the words exited my mouth I realized that this particular limitation might be not a real limitation  but a belief. My first thought was "OH CRAP"! Then I wondered, what if I could change my belief about this limitation? Could I  also change this aspect of my health? If that were true, in what other ways could I be limiting myself ?I decided that I would do an experiment and challenge the excuses that I make to myself about why I can or can't do things. About what is possible and what is not. So far it's been amazing and honestly a little aggravating....... Could it be that I just simply didn't know what was actually possible and what was not?

So I put this challenge to you. Can you challenge your excuses this week? Here's how. As soon as you hear yourself give a reason for why you can't accomplish something, stop. First change the language of the excuse. Begin with, "I have a belief that I can't"..... Instead of "I can't because". Next ask yourself this question, "What if I could change that belief".  Next change it one more time to, " What could I replace that belief with."  Then ask this, "What else would change if I changed that one belief".

Be aware that you might find this Super irritating at first :) I did! I didn't like the idea that I was limiting myself. I really wanted my problems to be someone or something else's fault! Realizing that I have the Super Human ability to un-limit myself is both irritating and freeing. Now I find it really fun to experiment with the idea. I'm not sure that I can change every perceived limitation, but I am excited to investigate.

Try this for a week and then post your findings here. I can't wait to hear what your experience is!

Liz Larson

Life Design Strategist
NLP Master Practitioner

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